Rates for professional translation, editing and writing services - Michelle Translates

How are rates calculated at Michelle Translates

Michelle Vertaalt offers professional translation, editing and writing services at affordable rates. Rates depend on the nature of the work and start at a starter rate of €25 including a free review of the service I will provide. Contact me for more information on our rates and how we can help you with your project.

Affordable professional translation, editing and writing services

Before we proceed to set a price, we need to first assess the difficulty of the text to be edited. Based on this information, we can then discuss the text and the eventual costs. For a price indication of Michelle Vertaalt's services, see the table below.


Requested services



Depending on the text to be edited, prices start from € 0,06 cents, excluding 21% BTW

Content Writing

Depending on the text to be written, prices from:

1 - 5 pages                  €35,-  
6 - 25 pages                €32.50
26 - 50 pages              €30,-
51 - 100 pages            €27.50
100 pages or more     €25,-

Prices excluding 21% BTW


Depending on the work to be corrected, prices from €0.06 cents per word, excluding 21% BTW


Affordable professional translation, editing and writing services

For questions about Michelle Vertaalt, please contact me by using my contact form or directly by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can also ring me at 035 -2031044